How often do you ask whats your endgame?


How often do you ask whats your endgame?


Finding purpose has become harder than ever in a world where instant gratification rules.

Studies like the famous Marshmallow Experiment are not new! They revealed how our craving for quick rewards often overshadows long-term fulfillment—an issue magnified by today’s fast tech and social media, which are the foundation of the content economy. But are we feeling better?

Millennials labeled the ‘burnout generation’ are facing unprecedented levels of disengagement, with over 68% saying they lack purpose at work.

The global economy has suffered

$7.8 trillion in lost productivity due to employee disengagement. 

80% of employees seek roles for societal contribution.  Especially the workforce under 35 years of age.

Purpose-driven action is not just a personal need but an economic imperative.

This is WHY we envisioned a purpose-led clubhouse where people’s need for meaning is real. 

This is WHY we envisioned a purpose-led clubhouse where people’s need for meaning is real. 

This is WHY we envisioned a purpose-led clubhouse where people’s need for meaning is real. 




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Impact Podcasts

Simple Acts of Kindness

Kindness isn’t rare, it’s just that it is less expressed. Our expert, Ritu Malhotra, an SDG Educator explains this beautiful quality in this podcast. Join us to learn more about Kindness & how it can be practised in everyday life.

Altruism, a Human Superpower

When the times are dark, we become our own light, similar to situations where we extend a helping hand, only to pull the other out of crisis. Our expert, Shubam Kumar, Founding Director of Sewa Fellowship talks about this valued virtue, altruism in our podcast.

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