Community Guidelines

Every day our website visitors have the chance to join a movement, engage with each other online, and make their voices heard on the causes that matter. It is an impactful opportunity for every person to express opinions and share their viewpoints. In fact, these discussions are the fundamental building blocks for bringing about change. 

That’s why we created I.M’s very own Community Guidelines. Our objective and goal in creating these Guidelines is to accommodate the widest range of self-expression while balancing the need for all members of the I.M Community to be able to use our services enjoyably and yet, safely. 


I.M Community Guidelines


1. Be courteous and respectful: I.M supports strong advocates of free speech, but we do not tolerate hate speech. Ever. Period. Our community refuses to support any content that slanders, attacks, or promotes hatred against groups and/or people based on disability, race/ethnic origin, gender, religion, nationality, age, veteran status, political affiliation, gender identity or sexual orientation. Focus on the issues, the policies, and the facts, not personal attacks. 

2. Be mannered: We are aware that our content can fuel the fires of disagreement and debate but no matter how agitated things may get, I.M will not allow any form of harassment or bullying; be it emotional, physical, and/or digital. It includes intimidation, predatory behavior, invading privacy, doxxing, name-calling, slurs, stalking, threatening, and/or inciting violence. 

3. Keep the community gates open: I.M’s primary focus is to draw people into civic conversations and drive civic empathy into action. It is only possible and more effective when the environment is accommodating to everyone. Share accurate and clear information in an easy-to-understand format – a format that promotes trust. An aggressive and polarizing approach and highly inclined rhetoric might work with people who already agree with your message. But if you want to influence the two-thirds of the world who are not regularly participating in discussions, and activism and live a rather peaceful and unaffected life, you need a balanced, open, and civil approach. 

4. Mind your language: Online communities have separate guidelines regarding profanity; some do not allow it at all but across all of our communities, we advise you to speak freely but kindly use profanity within reason. 

5. No insulting: Developing content for the exclusive purpose of trolling or disrupting the I.M community is not permitted. Devising multiple user names for this purpose is also not permitted. As part of this effort, our community requires all users to confirm their email addresses with us, so that we can ensure that the people connecting with us are real people. 

6. Don’t be vulgar: Gory, sexually explicit, violent, pornographic, or needlessly upsetting content has no place on I.M’s platforms. We know as well as anyone else that emotionally powerful imagery can get a rather strong reaction, but if you’re posting to be inflammatory or shocking, you’re crossing the line. 

7. Be genuine: I.M thinks people should be talking to other people, not bots. Thus, we do not allow the use of technologies or tools that may try to pass as a real person. You don’t like getting sick, and neither do our computers. Please don’t upload content with software viruses or computer code designed to destroy, interrupt, or otherwise wreak havoc on other people’s devices. 

8. Keep it legitimate: Do NOT use I.M for any illegal shenanigans. I.M wants you to share your beliefs and ideas. We don’t want you sharing things that violate intellectual property rights. It includes copyright, plagiarism, trademark, and other proprietary rights. 

9. Keep it free: I.M does not allow our community to use I.M for commercial purposes. No spam. No exceptions. 


Effect of Violation of Community Guidelines


If a user violates these Community Guidelines, I.M reserves the right to remove the offending content, notify law enforcement, and/or terminate your account. If your account is terminated for violating these Guidelines or our Terms of Service, you may not use I.M again. Please take these Guidelines seriously and honor them in the spirit in which they are intended. We will do our best to implement and execute them consistently and legally, and ultimately we’ll try to do what we think is best in every situation. 

Drop us a line at [email protected] if you see someone violating these guidelines or if you are feeling bullied, uncomfortable, intimidated, or harassed in any way. The people part of the I.M community are here to help, so kindly do not hesitate to let us know. I.M’s policy is to take people at their word and engage directly whenever an issue arises. We want our community and its people to welcome everyone. 

Thanks for being a member of our community here at I.M! 

– The Impresario Global Team 

If you’re interested in helping out and keeping I.M an open and fair home for all of its users and visitors – apply to join the I.M Community. Discover careers by emailing [email protected]

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